Saturday, June 9, 2012

Let the craziness begin

Unfortunately, I haven't written anything for about a week and a half but I seriously have no time! Have of my time is filled with going to school and doing homework while the other half is doing a ton of fun stuff but sometimes it's nice to just sit around and do absolutely nothing. I'm going to try to split this up so this isn't like ten pages long. 

Five of us went to Cadiz on a day we had off from school. We went to the beach which was one of the nicest I have seen and the day was absolutely perfect! It was warm but not too hot and there was a slight breeze to keep us cool. The ocean was freezing but it actually felt really nice when we were burning up from the sun. We ate at a great restaurant by the beach and walked around the city a little. It was so pretty. I seriously wanted to live there. 

That night we went to a Flamenco show at Fundacion Tres Culturas which was really cool because the dances were in different styles representing the different cultures. You could see how each was different but there were a lot of similarities, showing how the cultures can unite together, ideas we talked about in my Stereotypes class. My class also had to attend a Medieval festival the next night which was strange but fun. I have never been to one in America so I can't really compare it but I pictured people sword fighting in Medieval garb. Basically Monty Python and the Holy Grail. That happened very briefly but it was very modernized which I found strange but I still had fun! 

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