Sunday, May 27, 2012

We're going on a bike tour? Yikes.

Fun fact about me: I never learned how to ride a bike. Weird, I know. I tried to teach myself on vacation last year and I could go straight but any stopping, turning, or essentially anything requiring any effort at all was out of the question. So obviously when I heard we were going on a bike tour, I was absolutely terrified. And we're not talking like a half an hour or even an hour for the tour. It was going to be around two and a half hours. More great news. 
The people at the bike shop wanted to give me a bike with training wheels, an idea that I shot down immediately. I would rather fall every five seconds, get lost, and cry than use training wheels. Someone also suggested that they could pull me around in one of those bike trailers that typically accommodate small children. While comical, this also was not acceptable. 
After a shaky start, I ended up handling it pretty well. Everyone was very supportive and the tour guide was very patient with me since I was obviously slower than everyone else. I always managed to stay close to the group and I didn’t fall at all or I didn’t get hit by a car. Success! And now I can say I learned how to ride a bike in Spain! 

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